~~Atlantian Money and it's Origins~~
Atlantian money has a long history. It started back in the times of the Triads, an idea they had gotten from Rome. Each triad member's profile was featured on the side of a coin, with 3 coins in all. Even when the Okis and Kimichas came back into power, they went on the coins as well. Everytime a new ruler comes into power, their profile goes on the Atlantian coins. How this works, is that the new coins are minted and sent out. However, the old coins can still be used as usual. When the old coins are received back at the mint, they are melted down, and minted into more of the new coins. There are three Atlantian coins-
The Mil- equal to the American dime
The Bere- equal to the American quarter
The Illa- equal to the American half-dollar
And with the paper money, unlike the coin money, there is a particular person on that, and they stay on that. The paper money is as follows:
Name ---------- Person ---------- Equivilancy
The Rilane- Oki Kictch -equal to the American dollar
The Duo Rilane- Kiawa Shieme -equal to two American dollars
The Miya Rilane- Dashan Kimili Akara -equal to five American dollars
The Kaila Rilane- Oki Erinis -equal to seven American dollars
The Ama- Rilane- Kimicha Isala -equal to ten American dollars
The Bere Rilane- Oki Nemeru -equal to twenty American dollars
The Illa Rilane- Oki Paran -equal to fifty American dollars
The Ria Rilane- Kimicha Arelle -equal to one hundred American dollars
The Tilan Rilane- Queen Kimicha -equal to one thousand American dollars
Atlantian money isn't used much, as the barter system is still alive and well, even in these days, but the money itself is like a reminder of all the leaders of the past and present, and brings Atlantians a great sense of honor and pride when we utilize it.