
Available Books:
Twilight's Destiny
Age of Midday

Image Gallery
Shades of Day Image Gallery

Antichrist Fire
Antichrist with Rendwielder
Athiest transparent gif
Young Celes and Eyanda
Court of Jewels
Light and Shadow
Looking up
Malakia and Antichrist
Malakia and Callistia
Malakia and Athiest
Malakia with Heartwood Staff
Malakia with Chalice Transparent gif
Path an Angel has Tread...
Mockup of SoD Music CD Cover
Terra Bouquet
Terra in River

S.o.D is part of the FeatherBand Manga website, which is hosted by Keenspace, an automation and hosting service for webcomics. ©2003 M.Prosser, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PORTION OF THIS SITE OR IT'S CONTENTS SHOULD BE COPIED, USED, OR DISTRIBUTED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR.
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